How one picture changed all my life

(a play)


The looser;

Classmates: Maikal, Jane, George, Tiffani;

The mysterious girl;



Narrator: The looser was too insignificant and nobody knows his name. Everyone called him “The looser” .He always said nothing, didn’t talk to anyone, his friend was one laptop, called with the strange name “Mister Einstein”. The looser always brought a big rucksack full of books, walkman on his ears but nobody could hear what kind of music he listened to.

He looked terribly- a pimply faced, glasses whit a big dioptric. So everybody thought “Has he never heard for lens?”

Act 1

/at school/

Maikal talked to Tiffani, Jane and George:

Maikal: Nothing interesting has happened recently. The last one was when we were caught to knock on Mr. Damyanov`s door. It’s good that we weren’t punished by the head-teacher because we are good sportsmen ha-ha-ha.

Jane: We should do something to have fun. Let’s play a trick on one teacher.

Tiffani: No, no, no... Thet`s enough. It isn’t good for us. If we do it we’ll be expelled from school. Let’s do anything else.

George: I’ve got a brilliant idea – I thought why will be our prey – let’s play a trick on the looser?!?

Jane: But what can we do? We already hid his laptop, spreaded gum on his chair, hid his glasses, and blamed him of cribbing in a history lesson.


GeorgeLet’s find him a girl friend just like him, to talk about the higher Math or solve differential equations.

TiffaniIt’s impossibly, he’s the only one. There isn’t the like of him anywhere.

Maikal: I’ve got an idea. Let’s try to find in Internet.

Jane: I’ve got a better idea. Why don’t we register in IRC?

George: I know his nick there – Newton.

Maikal: ha-ha-ha Why am not surprised? Where do you know that from? Aren’t you friends?


Act 2

No sooner said than done...

Narrator: All of them got together at Maikal’s home. They sat in front of the computer. At this time the looser was sitting in the city park and thinking. As always his laptop “Mr. Einstein” kept him company.

The looser:  Hi, Mr. Einstein, why no one likes me – I’m like them - I’m interested in everything new. Well it’s true my clothes aren’t so smart and I’m a big ugly. What is it to be done? It’s my lifestyle and nature. It’s impossible everyone to be nice. Why no one see the beauty of the soul or. I am more mature than the people of my age.

Narrator: He entered in IRC.

The mysterious girl: ASL pls?

Newton: 17 m Sofia, and you?

The mysterious girl: I’m 17 f, from the deep forest.

Newton: Where is it? I have never heard about it.

The mysterious girl: In the deep province.

Narrator: At this moment Maikal’s home was shaken by a loud laugh.

Newton: What’s your name?

The mysterious girl: It doesn’t matter now, just the mysteriously girl.

Newton: I’m called the looser – everyone calls me that. Even I’ve forgotten my name.

The mysterious girl: Tell me something about yourself. What are you interested in, where do you study. What are your hobbies?

Newton: I like The Pussycat Dolls, Akon, I think the song of Akon and Snoop Dogg is great.

Narrator: At this moment everyone threw strange glances at each other.

Jane: Does he really like this music? I didn’t know that.

Maikal: what’s happened here? Are we chatting with the right person?

George: No, no I’m sure and he told her. He was called the looser.

Tiffany: Let’s ask him where he studies

Narrator: After that the chat is continued

Tiffany: I like classical Music – Beethoven, Mozart. The best the opera for me is: “Figaro’s wedding “and “Don Juan”

? : I like this music too. I don’t know if you know that Mozart wrote 600 compositions and he started it at the age of 5.


His classmates won dared what picture to send to him. The looser a picture of a nice girl of a ugly girl like him. Finally they decided to be beauty. They found a picture and on the same day the sent it to him.

Tiffany: Hi, how are you?

The Looser: Okay

Tiffany: I am thinking about you. I want to exchange pictures of our selves. What do you think?

The Looser: Well, I think it isn’t a good idea.

Tiffany: I want to know how you look like.

The Looser: I’m not for seeing but if you want send me your picture.

Tiffany: No, no, I want to see your picture let’s. Here is mine.

Narrator: “She” sends him a picture of her. He was amazed. – He saw the most beautiful girl in the world-tall, thin, with charming smile by deep blue exes. Even, Maikal who found this picture, liked her a lot.

The Looser: You are very beautiful…

Tiffany: Thanks J Now I want to see

And The Looser sent her one of this photo. He was very worried if she would like him.

Tiffany: You look awfully

And these wore her last words to him. Everything disappeared in that moment. He felt broken and Maikal’s home was shaken by the laugh again.


Act 4

The Looser: Didn’t suspect anything. At school he was sitting alone with out talking to anyone as usually. Maikal and the others started feeling guilty about what they did on him.

The Loser’s heart was broken. He wasn’t be on himself-but nothing showed his feelings.

He lost his virtual girl friend. And the simple reason was only one – his picture was seen by her.

 He could send another photo, not his one and could present himself as another person. But he didn’t like that. He thought he has to do something about himself but he didn’t know what exactly.

Jane: Let’s ask him about the football. We know more about it 

Tiffany: Sure I know that. What’s your favorite football team? My favorite one is Real Madrid. And my favorite footballer is David Beckham.

The Looser: I like Real Madrid. I like David Beckham too. It isn’t good that he’s going to play in Los Angelis, for magic Soccer League for 250$. Can you imagine that It he’s the most expensive footballer in the world.

Maikal: The Looser again knows everything

Tiffany: Well what about the cinema? Who are your favorite actors?

The Looser : Angelina Jolie , Katrin Zita Jouns, Rene Zegewear, Penelope Cruz, Cameron Dias from the actors – Harrison Ford, Brus Wilis , AL Pachino. What about you? Especially I like a lot the latest me Gipson’s film “Apocalipto”?

Tiffany: Yews I like a lot too.

Narrator: The Looser started thinking that the met a person with who can talk about everything, without seeing how ugly he is and left a bit relaxed.

Tiffany: What about the fashion? What kinds of clothes do you like wearing?

The Looser: I’m usually wearing strange clothes everyone thinks that about my clothes.

Tiffany: What do you mean?

The Looser: I think we should not estimate the people according to their clothes or the fashionableness but according to their soul’s beauty. And the worst is when your appearance is perfect but your soul is empty and ugly!

Narrator: They asked him a thought they knew the answer. So the chat went on two weeks. They talked about everything.  Maikal and the others took turns at chatting with The Looser. The found and that he isn’t bad. But their desire for fun was stronger. To stopping all this theatre they decided to offer him to exchange pictures – in this way the girl will see him – how ugly he is and she will want to stop chatting. The Looser has already found a closed friend. He felt like falling in love in this girl. He was waiting for their virtual meeting impatiently.

One day Maikal decided to call him to go together to fitness…..

Maikal: Ei, The Looser Do you want to come with me to the gym. You’re so weak.

Narrator: In this moment The Looser thought that it will be good to start to be like the other teenagers. Maybe they will accept him. And that girl, who told him he was ugly, maybe would like him. She changes his appearance.

The Looser: Well, Yes

Narrator: So, they trained every day Jane started to take him to the cosmetic studio and these awful teenager’s simples that covered all his face, began to disappear little by little. Tiffany took him to the hairdresser’s and he was made the most fashionable hairstyle.

The Loosercouldn’t refuse to his new friends although in the beginning he tried to do it. After two months he was a completely new persona. Maikal, Tiffany, George and Jane were surprised of  his change.

- Epilog -

One day The Looser was waiting at the underground stop. He looked like a very smart teenager and lots of girls gazed at him. One girl got near him and asked

“– Have we met anywhere? “

And he wondered why these nice eyes seemed him to be familiar.

 One picture changed his life for the better. At first his heart was broken and the pain was awful. But he became stronger, found strength to go ahead. Everything was worth. Finally the love won thanks to one photo and everyone was happy.

Love does not mean to look at each other but to look together in a common direction!

 A. deu Saint Exuperie